Episode 105 - The Canucks

This month is Episode 5 - The Canucks.  The panel discusses which Canadian spec-fic books, stories, and authors are on their must-read lists.  Hear about Sylvain Neuvel's Themis Files series, Gemma Files' A Book of Tongues,  Robert Sawyer's Calculating God, and Caitlin Sweet's The Pattern Scars.

Listen to the full episode:


The Hexslinger series by Gemma Files

A fantasy Western woven through with Mayan mythology, dark magic, and more hexes than you can shake a shotgun at - not to mention queer representation and some deliciously spicy interactions between the two main characters. Asher Rook and Chess Pargeter will have you coming back for more every time.



Calculating God by Robert J. Sawyer

Written by ‘The Dean of Canadian Science Fiction’, this story follows Thomas Jericho, a paleontologist at the Royal Ontario Museum, as he deals with a visit from some aliens who have arrived to investigate the Earth’s evolutionary history ("Take me to a paleontologist.") and are looking to gather evidence of the existence of God.



The Themis Files series by Sylvain Neuvel

The Themis Files series follows the story of what happens when scientists around the world start discovering various parts of a giant robot and go about reassembling it. The overarching plot stretches over three books - Sleeping Giants, Waking Gods, and Only Human. While the story moves at a steady clip and is interesting, it’s the style of writing and how absorbing it is that really captures the reader.


Bakka Phoenix


The Pattern Scars by Caitlin Sweet

A story about a young woman named Nola who is an 'Otherseer', which means that she can tell the future.  Unfortunately, her life tumbles into a web of murder, obsession, and desire that puts the people she holds dear at great risk.  Nola ends up learning that being able to predict the future doesn't mean that you can prevent it from happening.


Pay if You Wish (Download) - from Caitlin Sweet

Amazon (Audio Book)


Episode 106 - The Quiz


Episode 104 - The Fright